Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Soakin' Up the Florida Sun

Happy Thanksgiving all! We had the joy of spending ours in Sanibel Florida with the March family. Our 5 days were filled with delicious food, pool time, golf, celebrating Sallie's birthday, a terrifying trip to the beach and an all-around memorable first trip to Florida for Caleb. Here are the highlights:

Caleb wore his best for Thanksgiving dinner 
(a bow tie in honor of his Great Uncle Art and Great Grandpa Saunders):

He loved spending time with his cousins

Daniel and Caleb eying their dinner

We took Caleb out on the course behind the March's house for his first taste of golf. 

He loved the fairway - we're teaching him early

Caught this gem mid-crawl

This lighting really accentuates his growing hairline

Playing airplane with Dada

An afternoon spent by and in the pool:

Loving his little hat

Our pool time worked up quite the appetite. Nothing like a juicy pear quench it. 
Here's the progression of Caleb eating a pear:

We start with dad feeding Caleb the pear

He's an "I'll do it myself" kind of guy

"Do you really have to take so many photos of me eating, mom?"

He's even licking his fingers

"Can I pleeeeeeeeease have another slice??"

Next came our trip to the beach. I was SO excited to introduce Caleb to the ocean, watch him frolic and laugh in the waves and even take photos of him eating the sand. Wow! To say it did not go according to plan is a huge understatement. 

Tim and Caleb walking down to the water... so far so good. 

I have never seen such a look of terror! He melted the second his feet his the sand. We're not sure if it was the wet sand, the water rushing at him or the sound of the crashing waves... whatever it was, he was NOT having any of it!

We walked along the beach with Caleb plastered to us. He cried the second we tried to put him down. 

He finally cracked a smile once we were away from the water and laying on a towel

So relieved to be leaving that hellish place

Our happy dude is back!

Tim and I even got one night out to ourselves. Thanks John & Sallie for watching Caleb!

B-e-a-utiful sunset!

Sallie bought all of the grandkids special Christmas PJs. Each family took a photo with the pajamas for John & Sallie's Christmas card:

How can you say he doesn't look like his dad?!

Last, but not least, we took this photo during one of Caleb's laughing fits. He seriously just stands there, pounds the table and laughs hysterically. It just doesn't get much better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I LOVE this. Caleb is so adorable and I laughed out loud at certain parts of the post. I especially love the picture of you comforting Caleb after his terrifying experience. So precious.