Sunday, July 29, 2012

Walloon Lake

We just returned from a great week spent with my family at Walloon Lake (in Northwest Michigan).  I grew up spending a week at Walloon every year, but it had been several years since my last visit and Tim and Caleb had never been. We spent the first weekend with the Curry clan (my dad's sister's family) and the rest of the week with my family (minus Tim and my sister's husband as they had to return to work). My brother Dave and his wife Lindsay were back from Hong Kong for their summer break and it was wonderful spending extended time with them again! Most of our time was spent on the lake in the pontoon boat, eating ice cream in Boyne City, golfing, playing bags on the lawn or relaxing in the cottage. The only downside was when Caleb came down with some sort of intestinal bug which lead to a multitude of poopie diapers and a few long nights. Thankfully he was still his adorable, happy self most of the time.

Family photo on the dock

Sib photo with Dave & Hannah

Wasn't crazy about the life jacket at first but it eventually grew on him

Captain Caleb!

Where to captain?
Grampa and Caleb after their morning walk. 
Hey, where's my morning coffee?

Caleb with my cousin Josh 

And Josh's FIANCEE Emily - that's right - fiancee.... they got engaged at Walloon
and we're thrilled to finally officially welcome Emily to the family
(they've only been dating for 9 1/2 year!)

This glamor shot may be one of my very favorites of Caleb. Who knew a 4 month
old could strike such a seductive pose?

Here he's not sure what he thinks of rice cereal yet. He has since decided he's a big fan.  

Loves Aunt Hannah

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