Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lovin' Our Little Football

Last October Tim and I received the second best news of our lives (first being that we were pregnant). Here's the story:

I was 20 weeks pregnant, making it time for the ultrasound that would display the gender of our tiny babe. I've never seen anything like I did that day or felt the same way before. To see our baby's hands, feet, spine, heart beat... there's nothing like it. As the ultrasound tech checked for the gender, we turned away and ask that he write the gender on one of the ultrasound printouts. We then went to Gymboree where I picked out a girl's outfit and Tim picked out a boy's. At the register we purchased a gift card and handed the two outfits and the envelope with the ultrasound picture to the cashier. Tim and I left the store briefly, during which time the cashier opened the envelope and rang us up for the appropriate outfit. Tim and I returned to the store and took our wrapped outfit with us to dinner. Once we were alone, I opened the box... I held by breath and immediately knew we were going to be having a precious baby boy as I did not see the pink onesie that I had selected, but rather the brown football pouch that Tim had chosen.  

I couldn't help but remember this day fondly tonight as I dressed our little man in this football pouch for bed. Little does he know that we've been picturing him in this very outfit for months and months now.... how sweet it is to see the real thing. 

Receiving the news that we would be having a baby boy
Couldn't have imagined that such a cutie would be filling this football
Tim reading "I Love You Through and Through" to his little football

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