Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love Lake & 4th of July

Last week was one of our favorite of the year as we spent most of the week up at Love Lake, where Tim's mom's family has had a cabin for 85+ years. Every 4th of July is spent at the lake, and this year we had a blast introducing Caleb to the many fun traditions... a parade on the 4th, afternoons spent on the dock, boat rides at dusk, homemade ice cream, cocktails on the porch, and many more. Passing the Love Lake test is a must for every family member and visitor, and we're told Caleb passed with flying colors. It's hard to tell for sure, but it's looking like he's starting to recognize his Gagu and Poppy as his face lights up when they're in view. 

We were so thankful that we were already heading up to the cabin last week after losing power on the 1st. A freak storm rolled in very quickly Sunday afternoon, leaving fallen trees and power lines in its wake. With 90-100 degree temps, we were quickly melting and would have continued to until Thursday when the power came back on. 

Caleb and his cousins on the 4th

Sticking out his tongue is a new trick

Caleb wearing his BabyBanz (thanks Grammy for the gift!)

Caleb's youngest cousin Daniel was very helpful in giving Caleb his passy (never mind that he was the one that took it away in the first place) . 

Loving the boat ride around the lake. We discovered Caleb loves the wind, which made boat rides very fun for him. 

Enjoying the view. 
Making eyes with Gagu. 

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