Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lovin' Our Little Football

Last October Tim and I received the second best news of our lives (first being that we were pregnant). Here's the story:

I was 20 weeks pregnant, making it time for the ultrasound that would display the gender of our tiny babe. I've never seen anything like I did that day or felt the same way before. To see our baby's hands, feet, spine, heart beat... there's nothing like it. As the ultrasound tech checked for the gender, we turned away and ask that he write the gender on one of the ultrasound printouts. We then went to Gymboree where I picked out a girl's outfit and Tim picked out a boy's. At the register we purchased a gift card and handed the two outfits and the envelope with the ultrasound picture to the cashier. Tim and I left the store briefly, during which time the cashier opened the envelope and rang us up for the appropriate outfit. Tim and I returned to the store and took our wrapped outfit with us to dinner. Once we were alone, I opened the box... I held by breath and immediately knew we were going to be having a precious baby boy as I did not see the pink onesie that I had selected, but rather the brown football pouch that Tim had chosen.  

I couldn't help but remember this day fondly tonight as I dressed our little man in this football pouch for bed. Little does he know that we've been picturing him in this very outfit for months and months now.... how sweet it is to see the real thing. 

Receiving the news that we would be having a baby boy
Couldn't have imagined that such a cutie would be filling this football
Tim reading "I Love You Through and Through" to his little football

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Walloon Lake

We just returned from a great week spent with my family at Walloon Lake (in Northwest Michigan).  I grew up spending a week at Walloon every year, but it had been several years since my last visit and Tim and Caleb had never been. We spent the first weekend with the Curry clan (my dad's sister's family) and the rest of the week with my family (minus Tim and my sister's husband as they had to return to work). My brother Dave and his wife Lindsay were back from Hong Kong for their summer break and it was wonderful spending extended time with them again! Most of our time was spent on the lake in the pontoon boat, eating ice cream in Boyne City, golfing, playing bags on the lawn or relaxing in the cottage. The only downside was when Caleb came down with some sort of intestinal bug which lead to a multitude of poopie diapers and a few long nights. Thankfully he was still his adorable, happy self most of the time.

Family photo on the dock

Sib photo with Dave & Hannah

Wasn't crazy about the life jacket at first but it eventually grew on him

Captain Caleb!

Where to captain?
Grampa and Caleb after their morning walk. 
Hey, where's my morning coffee?

Caleb with my cousin Josh 

And Josh's FIANCEE Emily - that's right - fiancee.... they got engaged at Walloon
and we're thrilled to finally officially welcome Emily to the family
(they've only been dating for 9 1/2 year!)

This glamor shot may be one of my very favorites of Caleb. Who knew a 4 month
old could strike such a seductive pose?

Here he's not sure what he thinks of rice cereal yet. He has since decided he's a big fan.  

Loves Aunt Hannah

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy 4 Months!

Our not-so-little man is growing up so fast! It's hard to believe it's already been 4 months since he graced the world with his presence. And while these months have flown by, they've each been full of momentous occasions and joyous moments (and yes, a fair share of challenges and a few frustrations along the way too).  Here are the highlights from month #4:
  • Caleb is holding it steady in the 95th percentile for height & weight (measurements taken today):
    • Height - 27 in.
    • Weight - 17 lbs. 8 oz.
    • Head Circumference - 44.5 cm. 
  • Caleb is now rolling over. He first went from back to stomach while in Minnesota on June 18th, but he now able to go from his stomach to back as well.
  • Because Caleb can roll over, we stopped swaddling him. This gave way to a few verrrrry loooong nights... if his flailing arms weren't waking him, it was the fact that he had rolled over and did NOT want to be on his tummy. Thankfully we have passed both hurdles and he is sleeping much better. After repeatedly turning him onto his back after he had rolled to his tummy, we finally gave up and let him sleep on his tummy, which has led to longer and better sleep for Caleb (and mom :)). 
  • He's discovered his tongue, which he seems to love to stick out at me and Tim. 
  • He has started babbling, but is still mainly a silent observer. 
  • We've heard his giggle on a few occasions... SO cute.
  • He constantly gnaws on his hand and drools.
  • He prefers standing to any other position. We bought a used exersaucer and also broke out the jumper. He's still getting used to them, but I have a feeling they'll be his favorite toys soon. 
  • We've actually taken a step backwards in the napping arena. Caleb was taking a glorious three hour nap at 3 months, but has since become a catnapper, taking 25-40 minute naps throughout the day... giving me time to do just about nothing. While this caused frustration the first couple of weeks, I've since learned to just let it go and enjoy the more wakeful time we have together. 
  • Caleb met one of his future best friends last week. Hope and Joe Foley were in Chicago with their two-month old son Blake (Hope is a very close girlfriend from college). It was so fun catching up and also watching our little men check each other out. Lisa Gibbons (another close friend) also brought her 2 year old Jaedalyn and 6 month old Gavin... there were babies everywhere! 
The debate is finally over... I asked if he wanted to play soccer or football -
I think we have our answer (he's obviously kicking his foot). 
This is how I imagine the conversation going:
Mom: "How big is Caleb?"
Caleb: "I don't know, Mom! Why do you keep asking me?" 
Finally - someone besides me laughs at my jokes!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love Lake & 4th of July

Last week was one of our favorite of the year as we spent most of the week up at Love Lake, where Tim's mom's family has had a cabin for 85+ years. Every 4th of July is spent at the lake, and this year we had a blast introducing Caleb to the many fun traditions... a parade on the 4th, afternoons spent on the dock, boat rides at dusk, homemade ice cream, cocktails on the porch, and many more. Passing the Love Lake test is a must for every family member and visitor, and we're told Caleb passed with flying colors. It's hard to tell for sure, but it's looking like he's starting to recognize his Gagu and Poppy as his face lights up when they're in view. 

We were so thankful that we were already heading up to the cabin last week after losing power on the 1st. A freak storm rolled in very quickly Sunday afternoon, leaving fallen trees and power lines in its wake. With 90-100 degree temps, we were quickly melting and would have continued to until Thursday when the power came back on. 

Caleb and his cousins on the 4th

Sticking out his tongue is a new trick

Caleb wearing his BabyBanz (thanks Grammy for the gift!)

Caleb's youngest cousin Daniel was very helpful in giving Caleb his passy (never mind that he was the one that took it away in the first place) . 

Loving the boat ride around the lake. We discovered Caleb loves the wind, which made boat rides very fun for him. 

Enjoying the view. 
Making eyes with Gagu.