Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our Lil' Punkin

We took advantage of the b-e-a-utiful weather this afternoon with a trip to Sonny Acres Farm to introduce Caleb to one of his mom's very favorite foods...PUMPKINS! After buying every ingredient on Trader Joe's pumpkin shelf on Saturday, I realized 7 months was far too long to meet one's first pumpkin in person. Caleb should be very familiar with this glorious food item though given that most of his time spent in utero was in the cold winter months when pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin muffins/bagels and pumpkin pie were frequently on the menu at the "mama motel" (yup, I just named my womb. I'm guessing I'm going to reread this post months down the road and make a promise to myself that I'll stop creating new posts when I'm in this mood).

Caleb refused to actually look at the camera but we did catch a few good shots among the many we took:

Our lil' punkin loving the pumpkins... I'm so proud! 

He wasn't too thrilled that the warts wouldn't come off
 You bet we were those parents repeatedly squealing "poopies!" (currently Caleb's favorite word) to our child, desperately hoping he would crack a smile... works every time.
Like me, he was drooling over the pumpkins by the end

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love reading your blog. It is such a great way for me to stay updated on your life. :) Caleb is beyond adorable. I am so happy for you!!
