Saturday, September 15, 2012

6 Months Already!?

Where did the time go?? How can our sweet pea be 6 months old already? I know it's so cliche, but soooo true - the time has flown by! Here are big moments from Caleb's sixth month:
  • Caleb's coordination has skyrocketed this past month. He can sit up on his own and grab toys, switching toys from one to the other. He is also consistently putting his passy back in his mouth.
  • After a few weeks off, we reintroduced solids with much success. Whereas the food use to go in his mouth and come right back out, he now swallows by the spoonful. 
  • After watching Caleb on the video monitor repeatedly hit his head on the sides of the crib, we moved the mattress down so that we could put bumper pads in. He looks so little way down in the crib like that! I'm quickly reminded though just how big he is every time I bend down to lift his 20 lb. bod... we love our little chunky monkey
  • We went to the doctor last week for Caleb's 6th month check up and shots (we both absoluately hate that part) and learned that he's holding it steady in the 90's:
    • Weight - 20 lbs. 8 oz (90%)
    • Height - 28 1/2 in. (99%)
    • Head Circ. - 18in. (99%)
Almost too big for his blue blanket

He was much more interested in eating the owl on his shirt than smiling at the camera
After we prop him up, he can stay on his hands and knees for a few seconds - just long enough to snap a pic

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