Thursday, June 14, 2012

Caleb turns 3 months!

Hard to believe another month has flown by! We've hit the 3 month mark that so many parents have told us about, and I can now see why. While we are not pros by any means yet, it is assuring that we don't feel so overwhelmed or under prepared. Talking to other moms and reading books have helped, but what has really made the difference and given us increased confidence and comfort has been just spending time with Caleb and getting to know him more each day. It's amazing how he communicates (non verbally, of course), letting us know just what he needs and when.

Here are the past month's milestones:
  • Caleb is somewhat consistently "sleeping through the night", although I would never call 8:30 - 3:00 "through the night". But apparently 5-6 hours in a row constitutes a night of sleep, so we'll take it!
  • No full rolling has taken place, but he is making to his side, which is something. 
  • It sounds like Caleb really wants to laugh, although it still seems he's not sure how. He'll get so excited that he'll eventually squeak/squeal, but no laughter yet.
  • We're still thickening Caleb's milk due to his reflux (we tried nursing again a couple weeks ago and although he has made some progress, the increased spitting up due to the thin milk started really irritating him by the third day, so we're back to bottles). We did however switch thickening agents from rice cereal (which made Caleb pretty fussy) to a gel called Simply Thick. If you have a baby that refluxes significantly, I would highly recommend it! As opposed to rice cereal which is broken down by enzymes in the breast milk, Simply Thick keeps the milk thick which helps it from coming back up the esophagus.
  • Caleb loved meeting the entire Richardson and Luciani clan at Hannah & Michael's wedding.
  • We finally got over the non-family member babysitter hurtle and initiated a weekly date night last week. Even though we love spending time with our boy, we know how important it is to continue to invest in our marriage.

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