Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Beth Moore knows how to bring it!

I only have a minute before Caleb wakes up from his nap, but I can't help but put in a quick plug for Beth Moore and her Daniel study.  This woman has an incredible gift! I have discovered that I seriously lack discipline when it comes to studying the Bible, but thankfully there are resources for people like me! This study involves 5 days of "homework" and a DVD teaching session presented by Beth each week. I'm doing it with a few girlfriends, which helps with accountability and also deepens the study all the more as we talk about what we're each learning and how we've been challenged.

I don't usually do this, but I can't help it after watching my first teaching session last night. If you're looking for an encouraging word or could use a little direction when it comes to studying God's Word (I'm raising my hand for both of these), then I definitely recommend this study. I'm thanking my mom and mother-in-law now for making the recommendation to me!

Caleb just woke up, plus my 60 second commercial time is up, so I'll leave it at that for now :)