I admit I am ready for these monthly updates to come to an end! While they seemed like such a good idea months 1, 2, 3 & 4, they have made me feel increasingly guilty in the months since. I ask myself every month why I can't get this done on time, and I have yet to come up with a valid excuse. This month Caleb has been sick for the past several weeks, but I'm pretty sure the camera still would have taken his picture in between the sniffles and coughs. Let's just say the subsequent March babies are unlikely to get their own post with pictures of updates each month... I'm a second child so I get it.
With that being said, here's the big moments from month 11:
- Caleb is definitely a walker now. Since his first few steps at 10 months, he has not stopped moving.
- I'm pretty
proud mortified that Caleb knows how to use a phone. Here's the evidence:
- Still no real words besides "Hi", which he says every time he holds the phone to his ear. He actually says "Hi D", which we think means "Hi dada".
- The main events of the past month have been a series of illnesses... starting with a cold, which became bronchitis, which lead to an adverse reaction to the antibiotic, and culminated in some sort of stomach bug that left us with a child that refused to eat the many meals we so laboriously prepared and an abundance of laundry and diapers. After nearly 10 days of his finicky eating, he finally ate his Chik-Fil-A chicken nuggets (we'd given up on cooking for him) yesterday... I nearly cried!
- Caleb's top two teeth came in bringing the grand total to four chompers.
After nearly 50 photo attempts (you try getting Caleb to sit still for 5 seconds), here are the handful of successful shots:
And here are a few of the many outtakes:
"Hmmm... if I take this off, do you think the crazy women with the
camera making the ridiculous sounds and facial expressions will leave me
alone?" |
This is what he thought of his 11 month sticker and our little photo shoot |
Mid-fall... he often looks like a drunken sailor as he toddles around. |